Minimal Mail is an email client based on K9 Mail with support for multiple accounts, search, IMAP push email, synchronization of multiple folders, declines, presentation, signatures, BCC-yo, PGP MIME and much more!
Minimal Mail is compatible with IMAP, POP3 and Exchange 20032007 (with WebDAV).
It contains "OpenKeychain: Easy PGP" application to encrypt decrypt your email using OpenPGP.
Mini Mail and K9 Mail is a community developed project. If you are interested in helping to make the most popular open source email client on Android even better, please join us! to: https:telegram.medgparcenger
We are always happy to welcome new developers, designers, documentalists, bug triagers and friends.
If you are having problems with K-9, please report a bug at http:m.megomezgutierrezd instead of just leaving a one-star comment. We would not mind telling the world that you are frustrated, but if you use our fault manager, we have a better chance to fix what is giving you a hard time.
You can find the open cogigo of K-9 points at: http:bit.lynew-k9
(People sometimes call K-9: K9, K9 Mail, K-9 E-mail, K9 email, K9 E-Mail, k9mail or k9email.)